Hot topicsVocabulary This is your lucky day by Bernard O'Shea 06/01/2019 written by Bernard O'Shea 06/01/2019 7 comments 0 FacebookTwitterLinkedinEmail
SpanishSpanish music Vale Diomedes Diaz by Bernard O'Shea 28/12/2013 by Bernard O'Shea 28/12/2013 In the past week or so I heard a lot of unusual music (unusual to… Read more 0 FacebookTwitterLinkedinEmail
Go travellingInspirationPortuguesePortuguese music Let’s go diving with the Gurus by Bernard O'Shea 02/10/2013 by Bernard O'Shea 02/10/2013 For many sentimental reasons, one of my favourite Brazilian pop/rock songs is Até o fim… Read more 0 FacebookTwitterLinkedinEmail
PortuguesePortuguese grammar Spying on the haves and have nots in Portugal and Spain by Bernard O'Shea 05/02/2013 written by Bernard O'Shea 05/02/2013 0 comment 0 FacebookTwitterLinkedinEmail