Home Portuguese The most frequent palavras em português are…

The most frequent palavras em português are…

by Bernard O'Shea

The 10 most used words in Portuguese, according to the frequency dictionary I have reviewed, are easy to learn. None of them is more than four letters long!

  1. o (the)
  2. de (of, from)
  3. em (in, on)
  4. e (and)
  5. que (that, than, what)
  6. ser (to be)
  7. um (a, one)
  8. por (by, through, for)
  9. para (to, in order to, for)
  10. a (to, at)

To give you some idea of what sort of words you will learn as you progress through the dictionary…

  • The 1000th ranked word is acrescentar (to add to)
  • The 2000th ranked word is sujeitar (to subject to)
  • The 3000th ranked word is polémico (controversial)
  • The 4000th ranked word is equilibrar (to balance)
  • The 5000th ranked word is sul-Americano (South American)

The most frequently used verbs are

  1. ser (to be) – overall ranking in the list: 6th
  2. ter (to have) – overall ranking in the list: 13th
  3. estar (to be) – overall ranking in the list: 18th
  4. fazer (to do, make) – overall ranking in the list: 21st
  5. poder (can, be able to) – overall ranking in the list: 22nd
  6. haver (“there is”, to have) – overall ranking in the list: 29th
  7. ir (to go) – overall ranking in the list: 30th
  8. dizer (to tell, say) – overall ranking in the list: 34th
  9. dar (to give) – overall ranking in the list: 36th
  10. ver (to see) – overall ranking in the list: 40th

Unfortunately for the learner, most of these verbs are irregular.

More fun with frequencies to come later…

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